Elizabeth Watson Floral & Artisan Shop
Elizabeth Watson Inc. began as many things do: a pipe dream. I have been told that to find your most authentic self, you must go back to what you longed for as a child: before the world told you who to be and how to live your life. My childhood longing was to be an artist: someone who had the courage and audacity to create something and then the vulnerability to share it with the world.
For years, I spent my days running a family-owned home improvement retailer, but there was always a piece of my purpose that somehow felt unutilized. I decided to leave the family business, and began dreaming about what it would look like to run a business solely on what brings me joy. I feel as though we live so much of our lives dreaming and not enough of actually doing. That is how Elizabeth Watson Inc. was created, built from products, experiences and places that fill me, support local and Canadian-made artists; and bring joy. I named the company after my late Grandma B, who was adopted when she was a baby. Her birth name was Betty Watson and she was my kindred spirit. Feisty and strong-willed, she was a mover and shaker who I admired deeply. My middle name is Elizabeth so pairing our two spirits together to create something new felt right.
I designed this company to be a place where we can all come together to create, be inspired, and grow in a world that longs for connection. Built in the community where I was raised and still live today, Millbank ON is a heritage town with so many stories to tell of culture and intriguing history.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and supporting the dreams of others.
- Megan Elizabeth